Friday, October 16, 2009

Ben's Eagle Project

Fall Camporree, Lighting Lake

Troop 305 at Fall Camp

Orienteering Course with GPS

Fire building.

Pioneering Skills

The canoe race.

Our Camp site by the lake.

The Fall Camporree was held out at Lighting Lake park. Three mile north of Wendell. It was a perfect weekend for camping no RAIN. A great time was had by all.

Camp Wilderness Summer Camp

Rifle shooting out troop activity on evening at camp.

Shot gun merit badge

Fishing merit badge

Our troop service project while at camp for the Herman Stern Award.

Climbing merit badge

Shot gun merit badge

Our commissioner campfire skit.

The Trailblazer program for 1st year scouts.

The polar bear swim early Wendesday am.

Our Campsite Jacarilla

Boy Scout troop 305 was at Camp Wilderness the week of June 21 - 27 2009. We had a good week of weather with a little rain mixed in. The boys earned 19 merit badges. Two of the boy went on the canoe, biking and hiking outpost and earned their 50 miler patch.